Friday, September 23, 2011

Heh ...

Drifty liveblogged (in his usual style) the Republican Goat Rodeo Clown Car debate so those of us who would have had a violent gastrointestinal episode* didn't have to:


Bachmann: comes out for ZERO taxes.

Santorum: Public sector employees are just fucking lucky I don't stab them in the eye with a sharp stick.


Mitt: Beaner kids want my money!


Santorum: People in the military do not have sex. Especially faggy sex.

Santorum: I would also re-segregate the Army because doing social stuff in the military [is] always terrible

Santorum: Penises terrify me, especially sweaty, military penises.


Huntsman: I would choose Emperor Crazybread as veep. Two words: Free Pizza. It's like I'm Hutch, and he's my Huggy Bear.


*Notice my Frothy Mixture reference? Heh ...