Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Find another nut ...

Because Secaucus Fats ain't running. I've always accused the big man of being an asshole (easy enough to find examples) but I never accused him of being stupid. He knows that if he panders to The Crazy now (and that's what every GOP candidate has to do to get the nom this year), it'll kill his chances with the "mainstream" in '16 (though if the decline in the discourse continues on its present race to the bottom, it's gonna be really crazy by '16):

SIMI VALLEY, California (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Tuesday again rebuffed a growing chorus of Republican pleas for him to enter the 2012 White House race.


Maybe they'll go all the way and get Ted Nugent to run.


  1. The Nuge'd fit right in. That field could fuck up a junkyard with a rubber hammer.

  2. Perfect! The Nuge is over the hill, washed up, has a fan base of millions of grey haired wanna-be rebels, is crazier than a box full of cats in a carwash, and so dumb he'd probably drown in that carwash 'cause he'd forget to roll up his windows. He'd fit right in with the goat rodeo!

    - Badtux the Appreciative Penguin
