Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wah-wah-wah ...

I want my disaster aid! Gee, Mr. Cantor, hypocrisy much?

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-7th, is pushing for information on the status of Gov. Bob McDonnell’s request for federal disaster assistance for Louisa County residents in the wake of an earthquake there last month.


"FEMA said they have received the Governor’s request and sent it to the White House for a decision but could not provide any specific information on timing," the readout said. "Even when asked for an estimate based on past applications they were unable to do so."


When I was in the military, supply sergeants ran the world. If you put in a requisition and didn't hear anything for a while about it, and you went to supply to check on it, the sergeant would tell you it was "lost in the machine". Amazing how quickly something can be found when the machinery's gears get the proper "lubrication". Though I think this is gonna cost Mr. Cantor a little more than a bottle of Crown Royal.

And to Eric Cantor, and all the Jewish folks who are our friends, L'shanah tovah.

Thanks to TPM for the link.

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