Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rocky Horror? Really?

Via Pam Spaulding on the Facebook, they're banning Rocky Horror Picture Show in a shitbag town in Georgia.

In a case of life imitating art (or at least a Glee storyline from last year), political officials in Georgia have shut down a community theater's production of The Rocky Horror Show after deeming it "too risqué," reports Entertainment Weekly.


I was 13 when I first saw it, along with almost every other kid in school. My mom even saw it. Grow the fuck up.


  1. Dumbass crackers are scared of the kids dressing up and singing along. Or maybe it's all the kids being on the street after the traditional midnight show. The, er, Horror...

  2. Maybe it's that the kids might think the real world might not be like the Mayor, the preacher, and mommy and daddy say it is. The ... horror ... that the kids might want to think for themselves.

  3. :::hangs head in shame:::

    I apologize on behalf of all the denizens of Redneck Central and Parts Surrounding who actually LIKE Rocky Horror and think this is foolery at its worst. Please don't judge us by one pustulent abscess of ignorance.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. I know how you feel, K. I end up doing that every time I go to Europe.
