Friday, September 23, 2011

So ...

If a neutrino can travel faster than light:

Scientists in Switzerland say an experiment appears to show that tiny particles traveled faster than the speed of light -- a result that would seem to defy the laws of nature.


It means time travel is indeed possible.

In light of this momentous discovery, can we round up the Republicans/Conservatives/Teabaggers and send them back to the 12th Century where they belong?


  1. We're working on that but there's a problem.

    At last report, the 12th century has said 'No Way!'. They suggest we try the 11th, to which the 11th said 'no fucking way!'

    All is not lost, however, there's a band of gay Vikings from the 9th century that may be interested, provided the Republicans are greased up with whale oil first.

  2. Why not just feed the dinosaurs?

  3. Why not just feed the dinosaurs?

    Call it the "Creationist Tour". They can go back among the dinosaurs and play "Where's Jesus".

  4. I'd say send 'm back to the Jurassic period--those T-Rexses'd solve the problem for us in a few minutes. Dino snacks!

  5. Not to worry. A science fiction story that I read in the 1950s explained that the speed of the earth through the void guarantees that 1 second of time travel will drop the traveler out into deep space sucking vacuum.

    The earth moves at an incredible velocity.

    Now if we could just get everyone to agree that we are all on this mudball together.

  6. I'm down wid it. I just don't think many in the Clown Car (and the ones who vote for them) are.

  7. Send 'em a century into the future to see how they are regarded then. They won't last ten seconds and it won't fuck up the last ten centuries. :-)
