Thursday, October 13, 2011

The bears are getting smarter...

In May a bear broke into my truck. It happened again last night. I heard some light pounding outside, sounded pretty close so I went and had a looksee. The minute I stepped outside I could see that my truck's tonneau cap was open and knew what was going on.

I hollered real loud and the bear skedaddled up my driveway and into my back yard. I saw it plain as day from about 30 feet away. Pretty big, Looked like Chris Christie in a fur coat!

The cap and tailgate were open. I closed the tailgate and pulled down the cap. The latch was in the 'open' position.

The bear has figured out how to open the cap and tailgate. Ulp. What's next, poppin' the ignition and swiping the truck? Maybe I'll just start leaving the keys in it to prevent damage...

Zero damage to the truck, thank goodness. There was no food in the truck this time, so I can only surmise that the bear must have remembered there was food there once and went in on spec. She must have been very hungry. Or else our snowfall last week reminded her what she needs to do before it comes in earnest. Or maybe she just knew today is trash pickup day and was cruisin' for a garbage can buffet.

When the bear ran by, my Maggie barked and chased her, but not very far. Tami, being somewhat smarter, did not. Heh. They were reluctant to go for our walk last night, but the treats in my pocket overpowered any fear of the bear. They didn't want to go outside this morning without one of us, and when Mrs. G took 'em for a walk their noses never left the ground.

Just another day in Paradise...


On our way to go grocery shopping, Mrs.G: "Well, at least the bear didn't write 'wash me' on the truck...".

Ya tryin' ta tell me sumthin' dear?


  1. They've both spent the morning with their noses to the ground and didn't want to go out without one of us.

    Thankfully for the Dingo Sisters, all the wild shit around here is small enough for them to kill (if they got a hold of it), as opposed to vice versa. I don't think their egos could take it. Heh ...

  2. Think how proud they'd be if they could bring Daddy a bear!

  3. Bears and dogs naturally do not like each other, like Republicans and real people. How come your dogs didn't bark when the bear came around? Tacos for dinner throw off the scent?

  4. You'll have to ask them why they didn't bark.

  5. They were probably too busy cowering under the front porch ;).

    Well, at least the bear didn't take your truck for a drive, like that bear up by Tahoe who took the Prius for a drive and crashed it into a neighbor's front porch. Heh.

    - Badtux the Bearly Penguin

  6. Prius Pooh was a very environmentally-minded bear. Heh.

  7. Governor Fats in a fur coat? Sorry, bears don't get that large! :-)

  8. Ya tryin' ta tell me sumthin' dear?

    I get the feeling Mrs. G and Mrs. F are sisters separated at birth. Heh ...

  9. ... if they could bring Daddy a bear!

    I think they'd have better luck bringing back Secaucus Fats in a fur coat. ;)

  10. Mrs. G liked the 'separated at birth' comment. Heh.

  11. Yeah, well they both handle us the same way. Heh ... More mothers than wives sometimes.
