Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday ...

Fixer Gotta Do Some I-T Work And Take His System Down Music Blogging.

The Mrs. has some new electronics that have to be integrated into the system so I'll probly be offline for some time this morning. In lieu of my pithy (pissy?) commentary, I'll share what was playing in my head when I woke up this morning:

Steely Dan - Everyone's Gone To The Movies

And, by the way, the troll Bloomberg blinked:

The owners of Zuccotti Park are postponing the scheduled cleaning and are withdrawing their request for police assistance, ending for the time being a possible standoff between police and the Occupy Wall Street protesters.


Heh ...


  1. Turns out the protesters are cleaning the park. What better way to make the mayor look like a goon than to take away his bullshit reason for disbanding the protest.

    Fuck Bloomberg! He's so Wall Street, he's got the Goldman Sachs logo tattooed on his ass.

  2. He's probably got Goldman Sachs' ass tattooed on his nose.
