Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dear Kids and Parents ...

This is a good way to get two crazy dingoes chasing you down the block. Don't try this at my house on Monday.


  1. Two crazy dingoes and a crazed dingo guardian! Heh.

  2. Nah, I let them take care of the light work. I don't break a sweat. They're a lot younger than I am. Heh ...

  3. And btw, the two little lunatics got a hold of the neighbor's cat the other day. One had it by the head, the other by the ass, and were playing tug o' war. Thank god I had them on the leash. I kicked them both in the ass and they dropped the cat. If they were off-leash, I woulda been throwing cat parts back over the fence. What in hell is it with people who let their cats roam the neighborhood? If a car doesn't get them, somebody's dog(s) might.

  4. You can't adopt a cat around here unless you promise to keep it inside. Coyotes. I've found cat collars out in the woods.
