Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gaming the refs ...

The Rethugs know people are wise to them. What to do? Cheat:

The feds say there’s “ample circumstantial evidence” that the redistricting maps signed by Texas Gov. Rick Perry had the effect and intent of limiting the voting power of Hispanic voters. But what’s the evidence exactly? Let’s take a look.



  1. They do it all - lie, cheat, and steal.

  2. This is a huge problem. The GOP has positioned itself on the least popular side of pretty much every issue this country is addressing. They are hemorrhaging young and minority voters (the only growing demographic) and they know it. Most Americans poll to the left of Democrats on specific issues. The only way they can win is by stealing elections.

    If this were happening in any other country, the US would be calling for election monitors.
