Saturday, October 8, 2011


Nah, not for poor folk, or old folk, or unemployed folk, or sick folk. That's what caused the deficit, right? Bootstraps and all. It's the big banks that are "entitled" to make a profit because, well ... they're "entitled".

1 comment:

  1. ...and corporations are people. All these lesson coming down from on high are sure different from what I learned growing up.
    What disturbs me (but not much) is that that the have-a-little's, formerly the middle class, are the defenders of this nonsense. At least it appears the upper have-a-little's are. I don't know where the dividing line between the have-not's and the have-a-little's is. The gov sets the dividing line between the have-not's and the have-even-less. They call it the "poverty line". I live right there and I'm quite comfortable thank you.
