Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ethnic cleansing ...

Digby calls it right. In a state where a black woman didn't have the right to vote 50 years ago, white Alabama shows its true (confederate) colors once again:


There are people calling this a form of ethnic cleansing and I can't figure out a reason why it isn't. Sure, not every Hispanic in the state is undocumented, but you could certainly forgive them for feeling that measures this punitive mean they aren't welcome. If the state is willing to deny someone water because they don't have proper ID, they really, really don't want you around.



  1. Dogs will bark each other away from food, but not from water. Smarter and more compassionate than white Bamans.

  2. The Mrs. always says we could learn a lot about getting along from the animals.

  3. We'd be a lot more polite if we had to greet each other like dogs do, Heh.
