Thursday, October 6, 2011

Financial tip ...

If you own Apple stock, the time to unload it was yesterday evening. Some of us are old enough to remember what happened to Apple when Jobs left the first time. He ain't coming back to save them this time.


  1. You don't know that he isn't coming back.

  2. True believers, these Apple folk!

  3. Mrs. G says Apple stock is up today, but who knows how long that will last. It'll no doubt go down when someone screws up like last time.

  4. Well, you heard that Margie Phelps announced, via iPhone tweet, that Westboro is going to picket the funeral of Steve Jobs, right? And when people pointed out that she was using an Apple product to diss Apple's founder, she tweeted "That's what God invented the iPhone for!".

    So there you have it: Steve Jobs was God, and God is dead. Or is he? :)

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
