Thursday, October 6, 2011

It really pisses me off ...

But I should be used to it by now. I realize the Chimp wouldn't listen to us when we warned that his tax and war polices would ruin this nation but we were correct when we predicted the consequences. But when we've been telling our own guy to stand up and fight, and he patently refused, preferring to acquiesce to Republican demands and to "stay above the fray", and then makes the situation worse, it really chaps my ass. We told him it wouldn't work and would weaken his presidency. What happened? The economy is on the balls of its ass and his approval ratings are the lowest yet.

Thankfully, in the last few weeks, he's come to see the light (hopefully):

If you come out with even something moderately progressive AND actually fight for it, it is not only good policy it is good politics. IF ONLY WE ANGRY LEFTWING BLOGGERS HAD THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE?!!!!


It's so bloody frustrating to bark at the moon for years before somebody takes what we've been saying seriously, let alone realizing it's good for this country and his career.

It would be nice if, just once, we wouldn't have to go through the whole "hippie bashing" phase before smart policy gets implemented.


  1. He's just jawing to get some support back from the base. He doesn't really believe what he's saying now and there's still no evidence that he'd actually fight for anything. I'll believe the talk-talk when I see some of the walk-walk.

  2. Well, it's like Occupy Wall Street. Unions and progressives have been saying the same things for years...but no one listened. NOW people are starting to pay attention, and say that OWS is saying the same things they've thought themselves....

    But it IS funny how being Progressive in this country means you are a prophet without honor, whereas the pronouncements of those who have been consistently wrong, and who got us into this mess, are treated as Gospel truth....

  3. The Teabaggers think their protests were good Amurikans exercising their God-given and Constitutionally protected rights of freedom of assembly and speech, and the OWS protesters are a buncha dirty godless commie hippie dopers led by Soros and the Trilateral Commission or some such for doing the same thing.

    Bitching against government, good. Bitching against Wall St. who actually stole all the money, bad. The 'baggers were duped by Armey and the Kochsucker Bros and other Masters of the Universe and can't see it. Or don't want to, which is probably more likely.

  4. The Trilateral Commission was a rich white guy organization. Among their plans were to lower wages and lower expectations by reducing the ability of kids to go to college. I read Samuel Huntington's report when I was in college.
