Monday, October 31, 2011

I don't know why ...

Everybody is surprised:


Anyway, if you're looking for someone who would actually sell out America, you need look no further than Mitt Romney, who may well be the Republican standard-bearer next year. Like many Republicans, he would allow Israel to dictate U.S. policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian situation:


They already do.


  1. Willard's crack about letting the foreclosure mess bottom out so his rich friends could buy houses cheap and sell 'em when the real estate prices go back up did it for me.

    We need to tell Israel they're on their own so they'll take a good look around over there and maybe wise up. We're the only thing that stands between them and a billion Arabs.

  2. We need to tell Israel they're on their own ...

    As soon as you figure out how to get the pols to stop kissing AIPAC ass.

  3. And the "red cow" fundies too.
