Monday, October 31, 2011

Of course ...

If Pizza Man were a Dem, it would be a bug. As a Rethug, it's a feature:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain planned to make several scheduled appearances in Washington on Monday following a report that alleges he was twice accused of sexual harassment while he was the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s.


Blue Texan says:

The Pizza Guy’s down to 13 minutes.

I think it'll give him a boost in the polls, unless the victims were white women.


  1. A Repug President'll put him on the Supreme Court.

  2. Hello Fixer,

    If only he were a bug he'd be squashed by now.

  3. This just in: Hermie's SUPPORTERS are comparing him to Clarence Thomas like it's a GOOD thing. Yeesh.

  4. Of course they were white women. You know how it goes, them white womens just *throw* themselves at them black mens, 'cause they, like, wanna see for themselves whether it's true about black men and the size of err, the man-instrument, and the only reason they filed the sexual harassment lawsuit against Hermie baby was 'cause he rejected their advances. At least, that's how it's gonna play out according to Hermie and his supporters if this gets any traction. Which it won't, 'cause everybody knows them black fellers are, like, oversexed and all, anyhow, so where's the story?

    - Badtux the Snarky penguin
