Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just sayin' ...

Didn't they use this excuse at Nuremberg?


  1. The notion that a blue shirt in the NYPD could be ordered to do something illegal and obey it against their will without filing a union grievance doesn't pass the laugh and giggle test. The NYPD union will file a grievance if you as a supervisor *sneeze* wrong in their direction, nevermind being asked to do something blatantly illegal. If blue shirts were involved in this and never filed a grievance, it's 'cause they *wanted* to be involved. Just sayin'.

    - Badtux the Union Penguin

  2. I don't think they can be forced to follow illegal orders unless they really are fucking Nazis. That's my wife's word for right wingers. I thought she was a Republican for about the first 15 years because she won't talk politics and her dad is a con. She mentioned voting for Kerry and when I told her I thought she was a repub like her dad she said "What? he's a fucking Nazi". And she loves him.

  3. Thanks for the link. I thought things were bad in San Francisco with our lazy, corrupt, overpaid police force, but New York as usual outshines us in that department.

  4. It's nice to see they think the laws they enforce don't apply to them--while they're whipping on OWS protesters.

    ....Like the song says: "Who guards the guards? Who polices the police?...."
