Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quote of the Day

Comrade Misfit:


Shit has to change in this country. It will change. The question is whether the politicians are going to help change things, peacefully, or whether they become some of the first to dangle from the lamp posts.


When they get around to stringing these guys up, I got a list of those who should be the first. Unlike Misfit, who hopes a violent revolution will not be necessary, I don't believe anything will change until a few of them are put up against the wall (being German, a blindfold and cigarette are more my speed). Call it "shared sacrifice".


  1. McConnell, Cantor, Limbaugh top my list and it's a long one.

  2. Hey now, don't you know that smoking is hazardous to your health.

    My list starts with Limpdick too. But I was thinking on the lines of a stack of wooden pallets, ten feet of logging chain and a gallon of gas.

    But that's just me.

  3. David, think of your carbon footprint! Fifty feet of chain and a nice relaxing boat ride just past the continental shelf, then lighten ship.

    Or if you don't have an ocean handy, 6 feet of rope and a 15-foot high branch.

  4. ... then lighten ship.

    I got a couple old engine blocks in the garage I'd be happy to donate to the cause.

  5. City folks are going to need to use the lampposts. Fortunately those aluminum posts are pretty strong and there are lots of them.

  6. A bloodthirsty lot! I like that...

  7. I stand corrected. Besides, think of the fine I'd have to pay for releasing noxious fumes into the atmosphere.

    I know a place that renders hog fat. They could make their yearly quota with just one asshole.

  8. A bloodthirsty lot!

    Hey, I'm a friendly guy but when somebody repeatedly assaults my nether regions with an unlubricated blunt object while reaching ito my pocket to rob me, I'm throw 'em some hurt. I protect the things I care about, my family, my property, and my country and I do it with the amount of force I deem necessary to deter those who would attempt it in the future. If that means stringing somebody, or a lotta somebodys, up, so be it.
