Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yoo hoo, Bobo?

This isn't a great realignment of the middle class' moral compass, it's desperation:


Jesus H. Christ in a fking Volvo, no, it doesn't. It means people are broke. People are broke because the end product of 30 years of economic theorizing and political action that you supported has resulted in a shattered middle-class. People are broke because the Wall Street casino that your politics created and celebrated and enabled finally broke the entire country and took the rest of us down with it. People are broke because you and the rest of your "conservative" pals latched onto a crackpot scheme called supply-side economics, married it to a deregulatory frenzy and free trade, and then pitched it to the Bobos as economic liberty. You got rich. You got important. Now people are not using their credit cards because they can't afford to buy the overpriced, Chinese-made crap that you once proposed as the new staple of American society. That is not a conscious mass moral choice. You've got to be on mushrooms to believe that.



  1. 'Shrooms would do nothing but help ol' Bobo.

  2. Give Bobo the shrooms and then put him on the unemployment line. That would help all of us.

  3. This guy did the perfect number on Bobo. Yes, it's interesting how Bobo and his ilk will never take responsibility for the failures of the policies they cheerleaded for.

    Instead, they attempt to make lemonade out of very sour lemons about how the disaster they helped bring about has led to the "moral reawakening" of America, completely missing the point--because they're so sheltered--that it ain't a moral reawakening, its POVERTY...

    The other thing that irks me about Brook and his ilk is their implicit assumption of moral superiority, because they're in the Village and gotrocks--no matter how they got 'em. And then he and his kind have the gall to give the rest of us pious little lectures on morality, never mind the mess they created....

    Do us a favor Mr. Brooks, and STFU. Or--go wag your finger at Wall Street, the Villagers, and--yourself....
