Friday, October 7, 2011


How fucking ridiculous is this? Stolen from our pal Pam Spaulding on the Facebook:


But perhaps the most shocking idea to save money is being debated right now by the City Council of Topeka, Kansas. The city could repeal an ordinance banning domestic violence because some say the cost of prosecuting those cases is just too high:


How about decriminalizing me kicking some local politician ass? I don't know, but I'm willing to bet this city council is made up of, mostly, old white men. Seriously, somebody should take all of them out back and throw 'em a beating so they can appreciate an abused woman's perspective (and if there are any women on the council, they should be beat twice as hard). Then let them go back in and vote.

Last day of Grand Jury. Gotta be in early ...


  1. Shit like this so pisses me off. I've known a few women over the years who were in abusive relationships and they were never right once they got away and got their lives back together. How these assholes can even think of leaving so many women vulnerable again is beyond me.
