Friday, October 7, 2011

Shredded ...

Like an unarmed man at a knife fight. Riffing off Gord's post last night, Herman Cain, for some unknown reason (what he took from O'Donnell last night couldn't be worth hawking a book), went on with Larry last night and Larry cut him up, down, and all around.


  1. After Larry's show, I realized how far off the mark I was in my post. I was headed in the right direction, I think, but I missed by miles! I didn't even touch on the lies and stoopid.

  2. I will say a couple things in Cain's favor. His delivery of his particular line of bullshit is better than Perry's or Romney's. At least he doesn't look like a robot or a retard. And I'll give him credit going on Larry's show where neither of the other two would even consider it. Took a lotta nut to do that.

  3. Point taken. His appearance on Larry won't hurt him a bit. Anyone who would vote for him probably didn't watch it. If they did, they think it was just another Librul trap.
