Friday, October 7, 2011

Shooting themselves ...

In the foot. Because they didn't learn from Georgia's stupidity emulating Arizona's stupidity, Alabama did the double plus stupid thing by emulating them. Now they're crying:

It's not like they weren't warned. There was already the example of Arizona, whose wrecked economy lies in ruins in the wake of SB1070 and the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment that came with its passage.


And guess what? They are now paying the price. Not only are the schools suddenly emptying of Latino children, more tellingly, the state's tomato farmers are in crisis because there's no one available to harvest the fruit. And the authors of the legislation are just telling them, "tough luck":


Gotta love them conservative "intellectuals".


This is where the rubber hits the road when it comes to conservative ideology, just as it does when Randian fantasy meets reality -- which is to say, it quickly comes apart. The right-wing nativists want to pretend that undocumented immigrants are taking away jobs that Americans want to be doing, but the reality is they are largely filling unskilled-labor positions that involve back-breaking work -- the kind of work Americans simply are incapable of performing nowadays, regardless of pay.


How long before all these assholes start begging the federal government for "disaster relief"?

And just a note before I jump into the shower: I have no sympathy for the farmers or the people who continually vote for these idiots. This is the government they wanted. The immigration issue ("the wetbacks are taking our jobs") is what the voters of these states wanted to hear and they went for it. Now they got it. Good luck with that. Bed. Made. Lie. Better not look to me for a bailout. If it weren't for these gullible assholes who believe everything they're told by their polticians/preachers/conservative blowhards, we wouldn't have half the problems we do now.


  1. I live without California and Florida tomatoes. I can live without Alabama tomatoes.
    As Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does".

  2. And the thing that kills me is that they'll continue to vote for the conservatives, even the farmers.

  3. And people say pot smokers have poor short-term memories.

    If these inbred white goofs had half a brain, they'd be dumping those rotten tomatoes on the front doorstep of their chucklehead Congresscritter.

    They'll be all pissed this year but come next election all will be forgiven because of the evil Black Man in the WHITE HOUSE!

    Oooo, scary!

  4. Them Bama idjits done shit their bed and now they gotta lay in it. Serves 'em right.

  5. I love it when these rightwinger types are so shocked when their stupid ideas backfire on's what happens when you think with your balls instead of your brain...

    ...And of course, the sad thing is, they're too dumb to realize they've been stupid. So they just go ahead with even more stupid. How do you think we got to where we are today?
