Sunday, November 6, 2011

Being he's wrong ...

Habitually and perennially, what does it mean when William "The Bloody" Kristol concedes the 2012 race to the Dems:

In a column at the Weekly Standard website, former New York Times columnist Bill Kristol opines that "assuming that presidential field remains as it is" for the GOP, "2012 won’t be a repeat of 1980". He is referring to the election of Ronald Reagan after Jimmy Carter’s single term in the White House.


Erik Loomis says:


I think it’s time to start betting on the Republicans.

Let's hope Kristol goes against type this time.


  1. One word: 2016

    Kristol's hoping against hope that a suitable neocon candidate will emerge.

  2. Agreed. Probably Jebby or Secaucus Fats.

  3. Next time, I will read the comments before I eat lunch. Messy. But you're right.
