Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hey, you created this monster* ...

Seems a shame you can't control it now:

U.S. officials are concerned that Israel will not warn them before taking military action against Iran's nuclear facilities, a senior U.S. military official said Friday.

The official, who asked to remain anonymous, told the CNN network that although in the past, U.S. officials thought they would receive warning from Israel if it did take military action against Iran, "now that doesn't seem so ironclad."


At least, we seem to be smarter than I gave us credit for:


The military official emphasized that the U.S is concerned about the risk a strike against Iran could pose for American troops in Iraq and in the Persian Gulf, according to the CNN report.

The official also said that the U.S. does not intend to follow a military action against Iran, CNN said.


Now, it would be nice if they can figure out how to keep the inevitable shitstorm from splattering us when they do.

*And please, before you ream me .060 over, I'm not saying the creation of Israel is monstrous. Letting the Likudniks turn Israel into what she is today is.


  1. Israel better dig its own grave before they attack Iran. Make it big enough to throw AIPAC in on top of the Likudniks along with every Jew in the Middle East.

  2. Yeah, if the Israelis go by themselves, the Shi'a and Sunni are gonna become best friends.

  3. They can fight it out later over who gets what part of what used to be Israel.
