Friday, November 11, 2011

Goodnight, Saigon ...

Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon

1 comment:

  1. Happy Veteran's Day to Gordon(USMC) and Fixer(USAF) for your dedication and service to this country.

    We, as a nation, are far better off because you answered the call and put your asses on the line for your country.

    Now, years later, after the uniform gets put away, you guys still answer that call. For that, this old salt will be forever grateful.

    Today, this nation pauses to recognize us, hold parades in our honor and wave the flag. Yet, despite all the pomp and circumstance, there lies a deep and untreated wound. It's easy to start a parade, to wave a flag, to say thanks to a vet when the cameras roll, but it's hard to do the right thing... bring them home.

    Vets paid a heavy price to keep us free, a debt we still owe. America needs to pay on this debt by helping these warriors heal their wounds, get back into society so that their unique and special talents can help America once again.

    Many thanks to Gordon and Fixer for allowing some of us knuckleheads to come to this place, sit and spin a bit.

    May the Goddess bless you both.
