Friday, November 11, 2011

Just in case ...

Somebody thought The Founders would have frowned on "Obamacare", my hero, President John Adams, had the idea 200-odd years ago:

Many people who oppose the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, also known as ‘Obamacare’, say the Founding Fathers wouldn’t have wanted the Government to make health insurance mandatory for private employees.

This is simply not true. In 1798, under 2nd President and Founding Father John Adams, the United States passed a law requiring mandatory health insurance for any private employees working on Maritime vessels. The bill was called “An Act for The Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen”


Fuck the GOP.


  1. Mandatory insurance for SEMEN?! What an outrage!

  2. If anyone is interested in the Hospital Fund that was originally set up for the Navy, you can find information at this link:

  3. Hello Fixer,

    The Rethugs and Tbaggers would interpret this Act as another reason why contraceptives or any other method of preventing pregnancy should never be allowed.
