Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Keeping it classy ...

There are a few reasons I stopped watching NASCAR. This is one of them:


It's not the first time Michelle Obama has been received less than cordially and I'm sure it won't be the last. She's a class act and lets it roll off her without so much as a blink. But Florida NASCAR fans? They look like the petty, nasty people who pay lip service to "supporting the troops" but have no problem making them feel unwelcome in order to express their nasty, tiny-minded agendas.


Now, I don't care if people boo elected officials. They're the ones who make the laws and the rules. But regardless of politics, Mrs. Obama has done more for veterans and their families than most of the "supporting the troops" crowd. You might not agree with her politics but at least give her the benefit of the doubt when she does good works.

1 comment:

  1. She and Jill got a standing ovation from most of the crowd at one point as well. Mrs. G saw it and found a cite, but I can't. You won't hear about it in the lamestream media because it's not news.

    Laura Bush would have never had that problem. NASCAR never invited her to say "Gentlemen, start your engines!" because they knew she'd be too stoned to remember her lines. :-)
