Monday, November 21, 2011

My sides, they hurt...

I should have put this in my weekly "Oh, the irony..." post!

Alabama’s HB 56 Working As Intended: Mercedes-Benz Executive Arrested Under “Papers, Please” Law

I can hear it now ('Bama drawl): "Sorry, sen-yore, gotta run yer beaner ass in...". Heh.

Ya can't make this shit up!


  1. When I first read about this, the speed of the Governor's office to respond to this was considered remarkable. Just trying to imagine the phone call from M-B to the Gov.

  2. "You vant zees chobs to go to fucking GEORGIA you cracker dummkopf?!" Heh.

  3. Hello Gordon,

    I hope that all foreign companies take notice and the give notice. Either the law goes or we go!

  4. Yeah, they don't care as long as they get the cheap labor. Mercedes hasn't had such cheap labor since the war.

  5. Yeah, state perks and tax breaks and non-union labor. M-B's fine with whatever.
