Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Michael Moore annoys me ...

He comes off like a pissed off little kid and I can't sit through an interview with him, yet I love his films and his message:


Moore said Obama’s problem was not liberals like himself, who would still vote for Obama. The problem was that liberals wouldn’t be able to convince others to turn out for the 2012 elections because Obama did not clean up George W. Bush’s mess.


He's dead on and I hope Barry gets it. Ain't no Republicans voting for him and as long as he panders to them, he's gonna alienate the people who'll actually consider getting out and pulling the lever under his name. He promised change but that ain't happened. The corporations still run the show and our war criminals still run free. Had he done what he'd promised, there would be no Occupy movement now. I hope he realizes that.

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