Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stupid Bobo ...

Another who can take Bobo Brooks down and evicerate him is Charles Pierce. His opening line sets the tone:

I don't think it's too strident to demand at this point that David Brooks be hauled up before a jury consisting of everyone else in America and forced to defend himself against several million counts of being an insufferable twat in a public place ...

Personally, I think, at this point, that Brooks just writes his crap so folks like Mr. Pierce and Driftglass can make a living because his columns remind me of a 15 year old who's just discovered high school scoiology. He lobs these pop psych meatballs up there like a major league pitcher who's lost his stuff and those two, among others, hit it out of the park every time. Continuing the graph:

... In today's episode of Missing the Point So I Don't Miss a Meal, Our Mr. Brooks informs us that he once again has placed us all under close inspection beneath his monocle and discovered that some of us are very angry, not because some thieves in nice suits pillaged the national economy and then held the scraps for ransom. Oh, no, that isn't it at all, and he's got some wholly arbitrary ad hoc sociological categories to prove it.


Living here in NY, 40 miles east of New York City, we get bombarded by commercials for The New York Times constantly. One line says that "The Times has the best writers in the world and there's no disputing it". I'll give 'em this, they still have Krugman.


  1. There must be a lot of insufferable twats if Bobo can make a living writing for them.

  2. Yeah, they're called Republicans.
