Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not that we didn't know it ...

But William "The Bloody" (2 posts about this idiot in one day, a record) Kristol admits to what we've suspected all along. They're refighting the Civil War:


Hopefully, you understand that the reference is to the Battle of Gettysburg, and the scene is the moment before Maj. Gen. George Pickett launched his doomed charge up Cemetery Ridge. Many scholars consider it the turning point in the Civil War. Mr. Faulkner is saying that every Southern boy has a moment when they fantasize about what would have happened if the war had not been lost. Why does a New York-raised, Harvard-educated, son of Jewish intellectuals self-identify with a Southern army which fought for the institution of slavery? Honestly, that's hard to explain, but he says it's because Ronald Reagan was fighting the same battle.



  1. How many times ya think they'll have to refight the Civil War to realize that a) they started it, and b) they lost it and will continue to do so 'til hell freezes over because they were just plain fucking WRONG?

  2. Fuck that asshole with a rusty flag pole.

    Keerist, my mother and her whole side of that family was from the South and I have been accused of being born in Missouri because I still have that accent at times.

    I certainly don't have any dreams of a resurrected Confederacy and that idiot fucking jerk Kristol shouldn't have the first clue about being Southern .

    That boy needs a shrink.

  3. The South will rise again! Shit floats.

  4. You know, Third World countries get over their civil wars faster than we do.

  5. One of the dirty little secrets of the Germans and Jews during WW II was the number of male Jews that joined the regular army and the number that joined the SS.

    Kristol would understand this perfectly.
