Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quote of the Day

Comrade Misfit:


Funny thing how Catholicism and the Dixie version of Christianity gets themselves all in a tizzy about gays marrying. But all of that stuff that their Savior preached about caring for the poor and the sick and the lame doesn't seem to matter to them ...


  1. Caring for the poor and the sick and the lame doesn't get the bishop any new bling.

  2. Nor do wingnut pols and fundie charlatans.

  3. Actually, the Catholic Church does pay at least lip service to caring for the poor and the sick. Catholic Services is a major provider of services to the poor and homeless in most major cities and the Catholic health care system usually charges on a sliding scale for those who can't afford to pay full freight. They just don't pump up their chest and go around talking about how great they are for caring for the poor and sick, that's all.

    - Badtux the Once-Catholic Penguin
