Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When the cops show up ...

At 1 in the morning, no notice, it ain't about cleaning the park:

Mayor Bloomberg is saying that people can return after the park has been cleaned and restored. Many are complaining that the police provided no noticed and discarded personal belongings during the process. This will be a story to follow today to see if the NYPD and city of New York can keep their word ...

I'm watching the local news and the chopper is showing the cops putting up barricades around the park. I don't trust Bloomberg as far as I can throw him ... wait, I could probably throw him pretty far.


Looks like the OWS got a restraining order:

A New York judge on Tuesday issued a temporary restraining order allowing protesters to return to Zuccotti Park only hours after police forcibly removed them, arresting dozens.


1 comment:

  1. "Cleaning the park" appears to be shorthand for "The citizens have been exercising their rights long enough. It scares the exploiters and rich criminals who run the joint and they're tired of it so we'll use 'private property rights and public sanitation trump civil rights' to run 'em off before they derail our carefully crafted exclusive gravy train, and besides, they smell bad and ruin the view from the penthouse".
