Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Boner puts House doings back under the rock

Speaker Boner is afraid of the light of day. Rightly so. Heh.

Raw Story, with video.

Boehner’s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes beating

As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans, his Republican colleagues adjourned the House and walked out of the chamber. And if that weren’t odd enough, it got even stranger: As Hoyer railed against them for failing to help working Americans, footage from C-SPAN went silent, then cut away.

Moments later, C-SPAN took to the Internet to explain that it wasn’t their doing, but someone working for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).



  1. Just like the worms they are.

  2. Worms are more useful. Tho' since they are full of shit, they might make decent compost.
