Thursday, December 22, 2011

You can run ...

But you can't hide. Not only are the GOP congress weasels feeling the heat in Washington, it's waiting for them when they get home:

Everyone knows House Republicans endured tremendous punishment all day Wednesday, making it clear to most observers that in the standoff over renewing this year’s payroll tax cut, they’ll have to blink.

But an even more important story, which escaped notice inside the Beltway, is that the lashings followed GOP members of Congress back to their states and districts.

Here’s a roundup.


Like I said the other day. they've gotten too obvious in their obstruction. Even the most ignorant among us (those who the GOP counts on for votes) are getting it.


  1. But... but... Look! Over there! It's a Socialist Kenyan Muslim N****r Interloper President!

    The Party base has the attention span of a gnat and an intellect to match, my brain-dead cat that sleeps in the bathroom lavatory exhibits more initiative than they do. Faux News will tell them to vote for Teabagger GOP Candidate, and they will.

    Fortunately, the Party base also only is about 30% of the population. Unfortunately, in some geographical areas, they're over 50% of the population. Enough areas to win the Presidency next November? No. Enough areas to win enough seats in the House and Senate to obstruct the proceedings? Well....

    - Badtux the WASF Penguin

  2. I think it's fitting that the feces they throw in D.C. catch 'em full in the face when they get home. Heh.
