Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oligarchic perversion of our legal system continues apace...

Expanding on Fixer's post about bought justices.


The day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s healthcare law, two of its justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court.

Apparently not the "radical judicial activists" Neutie would have arrested. He would reserve that for judges who interpret the Constitution in favor of the people.

Last ¶ after a little history of the Federalist Society:

Unfortunately, Bork's views are not unique. They are the views held by the Federalist Society-funding billionaire oligarchs, like the Koch brothers, who would mask their authoritarian corporate capitalism under an Orwellian concept of "liberty" as the two-tiered system of "justice" entailing elite impunity is assured by a "bought-and-paid-for" judiciary.

They aren't even trying to hide it any more.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, when you hear "activist judges", think "liberal progressive".
