Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Headline of the Day

Party elite executed to clear path for Kim Jong-un

What the North Koreans call "election day". Heh.


  1. You know, I think they might be on to something ...

  2. Guess Tiny Kim ain't gonna be tiptoeing thru the tulips after all, if he's got the security services on board. And, shortly, the Party, since he'll have them so terrified they won't buck him. That leaves the Army, which I suspect will just go along with Tiny Kim for the time being unless he tries to take their special perks away (like, food, which the rest of the North Korean public don't get, instead being asked to subsist on mud and grass and tree bark). All of which is good for geopolitical stability in the region and bad for the people of North Korea, who are gonna get to double down on their diet of tree bark and grass...

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
