Thursday, December 22, 2011

Good ...

Our troops don't have to live a lie in order to serve anymore:


  1. Lesbians don't get quite the amount of crap that the male gay folks get in the military, 'cause everybody sorta assumes if you're a woman joining the military you're sorta butch to begin with so everybody I knew back home in Redneckistan assumed that there was a goodly percentage of lesbians amongst the women in the service and had no problem with it (it was them squicky *male* gays that got them up in fetters, gah!), but still, good for them. Like you say, now they don't gotta live a lie that everybody pretty much assumed was a lie to begin with. And one thing we got way too much of in this society, is lies.

    - Badtux the Reality-based Penguin

  2. Good for them! They don't have to "keep it just between the girls" any more.

    Bt's right about guys doing that. I've still got a cultural hang-up about watching them do that although I'm glad they can. The gay guys know that and most of them will still be a little discreet about it, I think.

  3. I liked that pic was irresistible!

    And just as a woman, lol, I like watching guys kiss sometimes....just as I'm told guys like watching chicks kiss!

  4. I am as liberal as they come and was involved in theater before and after my military service. I have had gay male and female friends for longer than I care to talk about. But, I am still a product of the culture that produced me. I am a touch uncomfortable watching guys be affectionate with each other but a couple of lipstick lesbians going at it will hold my attention for hours (ok, days but I will need bathroom and meal breaks!).

    Overall though I am down wit the apparent general consensus here. I'm glad that lying and deceiving is no longer required so that someone can honorably serve their nation.

  5. Labrys, when guys quit liking watching women make out, half the porn industry will go outta business!

    What CAFKIA said.

  6. Excuse me for being rude but I don't give a fuck who you love as long as you are happy and content.

    Good on 'em.

    Stay happy together ladies.
