Thursday, December 22, 2011

Step away, Michael ...

Our pal Michael Stickings is trying to make himself as nutty as a conservative by trying to figure out the Republican presidential field:


It'll be Romney. Republicans like establishment types, he's got money and organization, and he's next in line for a party that likes clean succession.

Wait. Bachmann is crazy, but maybe the right sort of crazy for today's crazy GOP.

No, she's insane. And Perry is much more appealing. He sounds a bit too much like Bush, but he certainly looks the part, more down-home and authentic than stuffed-shirt Romney.

But Perry's such a dolt. Check out his embarrassing debate performances. Can he string a coherent sentence together? And why does he keep sticking his foot in his mouth?


Heh ...

1 comment:

  1. trying to figure out the Republican presidential field

    Stick with the obvious - the Repugs are planning for '16 and put the clown show out this year whether by accident or design to get it over with. Thinking any deeper in that shallow pool will hurt your head when you bump it on the bottom without even getting your ears wet.
