Friday, February 17, 2012

Aspirin ...

I loved Andrea Mitchell's reaction (I thought she was gonna faint) to Foster Friess' announcement that women should hold an aspirin between her knees as a form of cheap birth control. I personally haven't heard that line in 40 years and it goes to show you how these guys think.

Well, Drifty caught this too and has a few thoughts on the subject:


Now you know why RNC chair Reince Priebus always has the squirmy, uncomfortable look of a man who brutally crapped his pants an hour ago and still hasn't yet found a way to get behind a closed door and clean himself up. Now you know why, before Priebus, the GOP hired an incompetent House Negro and a self-loathing gay man to front for them. Because you have to have a superhuman capacity for ass-kissing and gag-reflex-suppression to beg for money from a CHUD like Foster Freiss.


When the people who have the money look at women's issues the way this asshole does, it should be no surprise that you have a panel of witnesses at a congressional committee hearing on the subject comprised of nothing but men.

So, let's review. The crazy racist bastids have basically chased away the Hispanic vote (except for some hardcore Cubanos in Miami) and now they're trying to chase away the women too. Do these assholes actually want to win in November or has it just turned into a contest to see who can out-crazy everybody else?


  1. Notice how they did not suggest that guys take the aspirin? The rethugs don't care what women do because they are not interested in women.

    It should be interesting to see who has the lowest percentage of self haters in November. The race is on to see who, among women, blacks, latinos, and gays, will vote for rethugs in the smallest amounts.

  2. The "aspirin between the knees" joke wasn't all that funny the first time I heard it about fifty years ago and Santorum's billionaire didn't tell it right anyway.

    Out West Here we have a chain of icemilk/hamburger stands called Foster's Freeze. I cannot help but conjure up the image of holding Friess upside down by his cone and dipping him in santorum like you'd dip a Frosty Freeze in chocolate.

  3. ... holding Friess upside down by his cone and dipping him in santorum ...

    Works for me.
