Friday, February 17, 2012

Gordon knows his antics ...

Better than I do, but this guy Issa is a complete asshole. He's one who stacked the committee meeting on contraception with men and this is how he justifies it:

In case House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's (R-Calif.) anti-contraception hearing wasn't quite offensive enough yesterday, the Republican congressman added insult to injury last night by equating his opposition to birth control to Dr. Martin Luther King's fight for civil rights.


Boy wouldn't know a civil right if it bit him in the ass.


  1. Issa is a complete asshole

    You know as much about him as I do. He doesn't fuck around much out here, does it all in D.C. Embarrasses the crap outta thinking Californians every time he opens his pie hole.

  2. He would have a come to jesus moment if I kicked him in the nuts with my mandatory steel toed boots.

  3. Same old shit with these folks..THEY'RE the victims somehow when you don't let them ram their views down your throat....
