Sunday, February 19, 2012

But of course ...

Another Rethug hypocrite outed:

While saying for the first time publicly that he is gay, rising Republican star Sheriff Paul Babeu used a dramatic news conference on Saturday in Arizona to angrily deny allegations that had been leveled against him by an ex-boyfriend in a newspaper report a day earlier.


Just one more on a long list entitled "Do as I say ..."


  1. By his Mexican ex lover, it's TOO rich, these people, these folks who hate themselves...
    They ALWAYS want to control OTHER people's love life or sex life...

  2. That "rising Repug star" is about to fizzle out. The Repugs love them some badges and guns, but not designer ones. Heh.

  3. It wasn't his boyfriend. He was just "tapping" him for information. He was "probing" him for the good of the nation. He merely "stripped" away all the disguises and left him naked to the world. He "sucked" the secrets right out of him. That sheriff was on "top" of the situation.

    I sure hope there aren't pictures.

  4. And then the "bottom" "blew" out...
