Sunday, February 19, 2012

How Rick Santorum Ripped Off American Veterans


The Armed Forces Retirement Home, which is run by the Department of Defense, bills itself as the "premier home for military retirees and veterans." The facility sprawls across 272 acres high on a hill in northern Washington, DC, near the Petworth neighborhood. The nearly 600 veterans who now live there enjoy panoramic views of the city—the Washington monument and US Capitol to the south, the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to the east. At its peak, more than 2,000 veterans of World Wars I and II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War lived at the Home.

[...] Still, the money problems began to show, with its older historic facilities slipping into disrepair and decay. To grapple with its worsening shortfall, officials running the Home eyed a valuable, 49-acre piece of land worth $49 million as a potential financial lifeline.

Enter Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.). At the behest of the Roman Catholic Church, and unbeknownst to the Home, Santorum slipped an amendment into the 1999 National Defense Authorization Act handcuffing how the home could cash in on those 49 acres. The amendment forced the Home to sell—and not lease—the land to its next-door neighbor, the Catholic University of America. Ultimately, the Catholic Church bought 46 acres of the tract for $22 million. The Home lost the land for good, and by its own estimates, pocketed $27 million less than the land's value and $83 million less than what it could've made under the lease plan. Santorum's amendment sparked an outcry from veterans' groups and fellow US senators, who barraged his office with complaints.

[...] A former Santorum aide told New York Times Magazine in 2005 that the senator was "a Catholic missionary who happens to be in the Senate." [...]

Damn good thing this mackerel-snappin' asshole isn't going to be President.

We don't need the White House to be Vatican West. People worried needlessly about that before John Kennedy was President. JFK wasn't an Opus Dei Catholic League warmonger radical fringe right christowhackjob. Frothy Mixture is.


  1. I'm really getting sick of these Jesus freaks. Scumbag.

  2. As if I needed another reason to think he was a scum sucking piece of shit.

  3. I believe he gives scum sucking pieces of shit a bad name.

    He is NOT a decent human being. He's delusional but not in his devotion to the Vatican. He's very clear on that. But he goes off the deep end when he thinks he can get to the White House on that road.

    I hope he goes all the way to the RNC.
