Sunday, February 19, 2012

Westboro Baptists caught lying

And yer point is...? Raw Story.

The Westboro Baptist Church did not picket singer Whitney Houston’s funeral on Saturday, but they did upload a fake photo to Twitter in hopes of convincing others that they did.

Recently, the church has failed to show up to funeral services numerous times after announcing they planned to do so.

The Westboro Baptist Church, which only has a few dozen members, is typically drowned out by counter protesters.

I think they'da been more than "drowned out" at that particular funeral. Too bad they didn't show up. We might be rid of them today.

Note to the Holy Haters: I think you've hit on the way to avoid being shouted down - don't show up. Look, we totally get it - you inbred retards anointed yourselves a church to avoid paying taxes and keep your tax exemption by preaching hate in God's name. Despicable, but probably legal, so have at it. Shit, you're already the most hated family in America. What more could you want?

You better STFU and crawl back under your rock, not that you will, while we figure how to get you and all the other phony religionists to cough up big time at tax time. Happen it must so happen it will, but you keep runnin' your mouths, the sooner it's gonna happen and the sooner the better.

1 comment:

  1. ... you and all the other phony religionists to cough up big time at tax time.

    Please, please, please ...
