Thursday, March 15, 2012

And ...

Speaking of right wing nutjob theocrats, Charlie Pierce* looks at the Frothy One's latest success and the people who gave it to him:


For all the post-game analysis of whether or not Santorum is now clearly "the real conservative" alternative to Romney, and whether or not it's time for N. Leroy Gingrich, Definer Of Civilization's Rules And Leader (Perhaps) Of The Civilizing Forces, to get out of his way, the basic point is being missed. The basic argument is not about being "the real conservative" per se; it's about being "the real conservative" as "conservative" is defined by a shoeless, Bible-banging, anti-intellectual, woman-hating, sex-maddened Republican base. And, for the moment, that is Santorum in full. He has recovered from whatever damage he did to himself in Michigan, and I'm thinking he didn't really do that much. His retrograde position on contraception is now fully part of the mainstream debate. He has been rewarded by the people who feel the same way he does, and they happen to be the people who are driving the train at the moment. And he's doubled down on all the other faith-based nonsense that passes for critical thought in the Republican party. Daring to be stupid is the highest form of courage to the people to whom Santorum is pitching his campaign. And there are a lot of them, and very few of them are sold on Willard Romney.

"The dangers of carbon dioxide? Tell that to a plant, how dangerous carbon dioxide is," he said.
(I asked a tree in my front yard, Rick. It said it thought you were a colossal dick.)


That's why guys like Frothy don't want people to go to college, ignorant people are easier to manipulate. I don't know why the GOP doesn't adopt the slogan "The dumber you are, the more we like you".

*Not a right wing nutjob theocrat.


  1. I don't know why the GOP doesn't adopt the slogan...

    "What you don't know can't hurt us."

  2. Hey, them goobers found their man. He's just as ignorant as they are.
