Thursday, March 15, 2012

Since ...

Politicians love watching polls, they should watch this one (.pdf!) closely:


1. Support for Continued Diplomacy Rather Than an Israeli Military Strike
Only one in four Americans favor Israel conducting a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program. Seven in ten favor instead the US and other major powers continuing to pursue negotiations with Iran. Three in four say that the US should primarily act through the UN Security Council rather than acting by itself.


3. If Israel Goes Ahead With a Strike
If Israel goes ahead with a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program and Iran retaliates (but not against American targets), only one in four favors the US providing military support for Israel and only 4 in 10 favor the US providing even diplomatic support. Few would support open opposition. The most popular position is for the US to take a neutral stance. If Israel strikes Iran even without American approval one in three Americans think the US would provide military support and a slight majority thinks that it would at least provide diplomatic support.


The American people are sick of war and a very small few actually want us to get sucked into another one by some right-wing nutjob theocrats in another country.

Great thanks to Dr. Fez for the link.

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