Friday, March 16, 2012

Christ ...

This is why I generally avoid Americans when I'm traveling abroad. I've heard this shit many places ("What do you mean they don't speak English," in some little town in Bumfuck, Portugal) but a presidential candidate with 3 graduate degrees should know better, even if it is the Frothy One.


Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum told Puerto Ricans on Wednesday they would have to make English their primary language if they want to pursue U.S. statehood, a statement at odds with the U.S. Constitution.


The best one I ever heard was in the Port of Marseilles, France. I was standing on one of the weather decks aboard MS Prinsendam with the cruise director, his wife, and my wife (all Francophiles btw) when another passenger asks the cruise director why the flags on the pier, arranged in a circle, didn't have an American flag included in the display. The cruise director explained France was part of the EU and the 20-odd flags were from EU nations. The other passenger asks then "So why don't they have an American flag?"

When someone in Europe says "you're so American," it's not intended as a compliment.

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