Friday, March 16, 2012

Might as well ...

Wear sheets. Or, as Fez put it "Old, extra White and Stupid is no way to go through political life." Why? This is why:


"The Republicans really are the party of white people, and especially older white people," Kohut told reporters as the poll was released. "They’ve done nothing in this campaign to make themselves be more favorably viewed" among other parts of the electorate.


Latinos, for example, view the Republican Party unfavorably by a 2-1 margin (30% favorable, 60% unfavorable). By contrast, Latinos view the Democrats favorably, 56%-31%.


1 comment:

  1. Thing is, if you keep the darkies from voting, and keep the womenfolk barefoot and pregnant in the house, then you don't care whether the darkies and womenfolks hate your white pasty male rapist ass. The Deep South has a lonnnnnng history of that kinda shit, yo. Now it appears they're tryin' to take it nationwide.

    - Badtux the "Smells like burning crosses" Penguin

    (*Fixer, please see post @ top of my own blog for why I'm unlikely to see any reply you post to this.)
