Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Stolen from the Americans Against The Tea Party FB page.


  1. Barry's biggest problem is remembering to wipe the shit-eatin' grin off his face when he goes out in public. Heh.

  2. I really want to believe but the spectre of the Dim Son will not let me. This clown car idiocy has gone on long enough now that the only one who was a serious(ish) candidate is completely and thoroughly morally compromised. (whereas before he was just mostly morally compromised) I hope the Secret Service boys and the White House doctor and all the lefties who pray are on the ball because we really do not need for any of reich-wing to have even the slightest chance of reaching the Oval Office except as a tourist and maybe not even then.

    Hell, I may reach out to Allah myself.

  3. Whatever gives you peace, my friend.

  4. Yep. Whatever blows yer skirt up.:-)
