Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I admit it ...

I talk a lotta shit. If you ever catch up to me at a cocktail party or at a bar on a cruise ship, I will regale you with strange, made up stories, tell you shit just to get a rise out of you, and tell a lot of off-color jokes. I'm also the master of the grand entrance. It's the way I am and I always draw a crowd. I've had total strangers come up to me, shake my hand, and tell me what a funny guy I am. Thing is, I'll tell you I'm bullshitting and I don't ever expect to get paid for the crap I say.

That said, some people whose words could have life and death implications, talk a lotta shit, take it and themselves seriously, and actualy draw a 6-figure salary:


Seriously, O'Hanlon has never been right about anything, not even whether Sarah Palin had a clue what she was talking about in foreign policy. (She didn't.) It's just amazing that he's still out there getting paid to pontificate.

1 comment:

  1. The difference is he's pathetic and you're entertaining. :-)
