Thursday, March 15, 2012

Statistics ...


In 2009, Benjamin G. Edelman of the Harvard Business School published the results of a state-by-state study on the number of people who were subscribing to adult membership Web sites; Edelman found that eight of the 10 states that had the highest per capita consumption of online porn were states that Republican John McCain won in 2008’s presidential election. Utah topped the list, and other red states in Edelman’s top 10 included Oklahoma, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alaska, North Dakota and West Virginia. The only states in Edelman’s top 10 that Obama won in 2008 were Florida and Hawaii.

More recently, in December 2011, Rutgers University researcher/blogger Omar Haq published the results of his study on Google searches for gay porn. Haq found that between 2004-2011, the top 10 states that had the most Google searches for gay porn included five states that McCain won in 2008 (Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana, West Virginia) and five states that Obama won (New York, Ohio, New Mexico, Nevada and Florida). “People subscribe to a lot of porn in the southern Bible Belt states,” Haq noted. “I really believe it is suppression. Freud himself said that the more you suppress people, the more they are going to want to do something. It might be due to conservatism; I think that definitely plays a role."


Can we now please shut up about porn vs. morality?


  1. I hate to say it, but these are also states that are full on participants in the war on women being so enthusiastically prosecuted by the GOP and their religious minion/masters.

    So, grist to the mill of those who say that porn helps people consider women to NOT be people, but objects to be possessed and controlled.

  2. "Can we now please shut up about porn vs. morality?"

    Nope. That's why they should always have both hands on the podium or pulpit when they speak.

  3. Hey, look, that's what Real Murikan Republicans thinks sex should be: something you pay for, and do alone, at night, with one hand....
